I have learned that…

  • Self love is the key solution to all my problems
  • Being aware of the present moment is the portal to realizing that all is well
  • Having low to no expectations is a fertile soil for relationships to grow
  • Happiness can be found in gratitude for the smallest things
  • Inspiration of great ideas strikes in the shower
  • In conflict it’s better to talk to each other than talk about one another
  • When people become parents they don’t necessarily become capable of unconditional love for their children
  • Animals are smart and they’re simply tolerating humans
  • There is a heaven within each one of us, its up to us to find the key
  • True happiness comes from oneself & not others whether partners or friends
  • Some people posing as friends listening to your troubles don’t necessarily care, some enjoy the misery of others to feel better about themselves
  • This is a man’s world & it easier being a man, but I’m proud & happy for being a woman
  • My opinion of myself is the one and only that matters
  • Comparing myself to others is as useful to comparing apples to oranges
  • Everything has a character; animals, plants, buildings & places, and if we listen carefully they can tell us their stories
  • Following the crowds isn’t always the right thing to do; the majority isn’t always right (thank you Socrates!)
  • Ultimate happiness lies in being in the now & accepting it however it may look
  • A parent of many children can love them in varying degrees that can converge to 0
  • There is wisdom in delaying response to unpleasantness
  • To appreciate the beauty of innocence and purity in children, animals and plants
  • Sometimes it’s best to stand for myself than ignore others’ inappropriateness
  • Controlling breathing does wonders for mental health
  • Change comes really, truly and honestly from within
  • What goes around does come around. What you put out there will eventually come back to you sooner or later, so be kind with your words and actions
  • I and only I am solely responsible for my own happiness
  • I never was nor ever will be perfect and that is perfectly alright
  • It is more genuine to draw self confidence from self love and approval rather than arrogance
  • I only need to love and forgive myself instead of depending on others for love, acceptance and approval
  • Happiness is the way and not destination

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